LP Series – All Plastic & Clip Fixing Range Ball Transfer Units

LP Series Light Duty Ball Transfer Units
LP Series Diagram Light Duty Ball Transfer Units
Switch measurements:
Part Load (lb)Load (kg) Weight BALL ⌀ ″Ball Ø (mm) A B C D E$ fromFile icon FilesAdd to Cart
LP15 15 7 0.022 0.010 5/8" 15 0.945 24 0.315 8 0.189 4.8 1.181 30 0.787 20 $34.51PDF Step
LP15-C 15 7 0.022 0.010 5/8" 15 0.984 - 1 25 - 25.5 0.327 8.3 0.189 4.8 1.181 30 0.787 20 $36.57
LP15-K 15 7 0.022 0.010 5/8" 15 0.984 - 1 25 - 25.5 0.327 8.3 0.189 4.8 1.181 30 0.787 20 $35.83
LP22 22 10 0.078 0.035 7/8" 22 1.417 36 0.386 9.8 0.177 4.5 1.772 45 1.201 30.5 $45.54PDF Step
LP22-C 22 10 0.078 0.035 7/8" 22 1.456 - 1.464 37 - 37.2 0.398 10.1 0.177 4.5 1.772 45 1.201 30.5 $47.92
LP22-K 22 10 0.078 0.035 7/8" 22 1.456 - 1.464 37 - 37.2 0.398 10.1 0.177 4.5 1.772 45 1.201 30.5 $46.84
LP30 33 15 0.144 0.065 1 3/16" 30 1.772 45 0.543 13.8 0.228 5.8 2.165 55 1.457 37 $64.67PDF Step
LP30-C 33 15 0.144 0.065 1 3/16" 30 1.811 - 1.831 46 - 46.5 0.555 14.1 0.228 5.8 2.165 55 1.457 37 $66.72
LP30-K 33 15 0.144 0.065 1 3/16" 30 1.811 - 1.831 46 - 46.5 0.555 14.1 0.228 5.8 2.165 55 1.457 37 $65.99
LP45 44 20 0.402 0.182 1 3/4" 45 2.441 62 0.748 19 0.335 8.5 2.953 75 2.106 53.5 $117.99PDF Step
LP45-C 44 20 - - 1.77 45 - - - - 0.33 8.5 2.95 75 2.11 53.5 $0.00
LP45-K 44 20 0.402 0.182 1 3/4" 45 2.480 - 2.500 63 - 63.5 0.760 19.3 0.335 8.5 2.953 75 2.106 53.5 $119.30
LP15A 15 7 0.060 0.027 5/8" 15 0.945 24 0.315 8 0.189 4.8 1.181 30 0.787 20 $38.63PDF Step
LP15A-C 15 7 0.060 0.027 5/8" 15 0.984 - 1 25 - 25.5 0.327 8.3 0.189 4.8 1.181 30 0.787 20 $40.68
LP15A-K 15 7 0.060 0.027 5/8" 15 0.984 - 1 25 - 25.5 0.327 8.3 0.189 4.8 1.181 30 0.787 20 $39.95
LP22A 22 10 0.110 0.050 7/8" 22 1.417 36 0.386 9.8 0.177 4.5 1.772 45 1.201 30.5 $56.14PDF Step
LP22A-C 22 10 0.115 0.052 7/8" 22 1.456 - 1.464 37 - 37.2 0.398 10.1 0.177 4.5 1.772 45 1.201 30.5 $58.19
LP22A-K 22 10 0.115 0.052 7/8" 22 1.456 - 1.464 37 - 37.2 0.398 10.1 0.177 4.5 1.772 45 1.201 30.5 $57.47
LP30A 33 15 0.384 0.174 1 3/16" 30 1.772 45 0.543 13.8 0.228 5.8 2.165 55 1.457 37 $70.15PDF Step
LP30A-C 33 15 0.384 0.174 1 3/16" 30 1.811 - 1.831 46 - 46.5 0.555 14.1 0.228 5.8 2.165 55 1.457 37 $72.22
LP30A-K 33 15 0.384 0.174 1 3/16" 30 1.811 - 1.831 46 - 46.5 0.555 14.1 0.228 5.8 2.165 55 1.457 37 $71.47
LP45A 44 20 1.103 0.500 1 3/4" 45 2.441 62 0.748 19 0.335 8.5 2.953 75 2.106 53.5 $84.14PDF Step
LP45A-C 44 20 - - 1.77 45 - - - - 0.33 8.5 2.95 75 2.11 53.5 $54.86
LP45A-K 44 20 1.114 0.505 1 3/4" 45 2.480 - 2.500 63 - 63.5 0.760 19.3 0.335 8.5 2.953 75 2.106 53.5 $85.46

  • Light duty ball transfer unit, machined acetal (POM) plastic housing. Can be fitted with either Acetal (POM) balls or AISI 316 stainless steel balls (add suffix ‘A’).
  • Resists salt water & chemical attack.
  • Non conductive & non magnetic.
  • Suited to antimicrobial applications.
  • Optional fixing clips & rings. Spring steel ‘K-clips’ & ‘C-clips’/tolerance rings in stainless steel.
  • Fully plastic units.
Low Friction Low Friction
1 : 0,03
Speed Speed
Temperature Temperature
Orientation Horizontal / Up

Orientation Horizontal / Up

Economy & Value Economy & Value

K & C Type Clips

  • Fixing clips compensate for irregularities in bore and diameter.
  • Ideal where only single-sided access of mounting surface is reachable.
Light Duty Part BORE Ø MIN - MAX A$ fromFile icon FilesAdd to Cart
LP15 K15 0.984 - 1.004 25.0 - 25.5 0.945 24 $1.37
LP15 C15 0.976 – 0.984 24.8 - 25.0 0.945 24 $2.16
LP22 K22 1.457 - 1.476 37.0 - 37.5 1.417 36 $1.60
LP22 C22 1.457 - 1.465 37.0 - 37.2 1.417 36 $2.48
LP30 K30 1.811 - 1.831 46.0 - 46.5 1.772 45 $2.22
LP30 C30 1.823 - 1.839 46.3 - 46.7 1.772 45 $3.38
LP45 K45 2.480 - 2.500 63.0 - 63.5 2.441 62 $3.12
Optimal Retantion ≥ 3mm
optimal retention clips
  1. Fit clip to mounting bore.
  2. Push ball unit though clip.
  3. Peripheral tags expand & grip the ball unit.
clip diagram
K-clip Spring Steel
clip diagram
C-clip Stainless Steel
clip diagram
Other clips available.

Tolerance Rings

  • Compensate for irregularities in bore & diameter.
  • Ideal where only single-sided access of mounting surface is reachable.
Light Duty Part A BORE Ø MIN - MAX B$ fromFile icon FilesAdd to Cart
LP15 TR24 0.945 24 1.010 - 1.020 25.65 - 25.90 0.591 15 $1.18
LP22 TR36 1.417 36 1.488 - 1.496 37.80 - 38.00 0.472 12 $1.84
LP30 TR45 1.772 45 1.843 - 1.850 46.80 - 47.00 0.591 15 $1.92
TR60 2.362 60 2.445 - 2.453 62.10 - 62.30 0.787 20 $2.38
transfer ball unit tolerance ring

Similar Heavy Duty models:

  • Maximum capacity at any angles of orientation.
  • Heavy duty precision machined construction.
  • “Endless track” design – smoothest precision.
  • Service kits & factory spares since 1954.
2 year warranty logo
Subject to usage & conditions.

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